Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lifehouse Everything Skit; Romans 5:7-8

Romans 5:7-8

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

     The truth behind this skit is intimidating and powerful. However, this skit goes right along with Romans because I think most of us including myself don't walk with Christ even in the beginning of our lives. As the main character has Jesus pushed out of her life, and eventually Jesus rescues her from the lowest, saddest most desperate place. In my life, Jesus came to me at a church camp that I got invited to. Jesus did not just meet me that day, instead he welcomed me into the family. 
     So many people hang on the fact that Jesus died for us. Of course, if he had not died on the Cross and conquered that grave Christ have no power behind His name. But the true power behind the work of Jesus Christ is he died for me, while I still sinned against Him and did not know Him. So a recent mentor of mine pointed this out because no one is ever too lost or broken to find Christ. Basically, Christians including myself discriminate and selectively share the Gospel. As I have learned Christ did not come for some people, He came for ALL people. As I found out everyone was broken and lost to Christ, but he still came for us.


     In the world today about 2 billion Christians live, work, and operate everyday. If each Christian mentored, shared the Gospel, and discipled just 1 Non-Christian a YEAR our world would changed drastically. In around 4 years, almost our entire world would be Christian and following Christ! So this week make a new friend and slowly talk about what Jesus could do in their life!

P.S. Have a wonderful week, and God Bless!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are you Faithful in the Little Things?

Are you Faithful in the Little Things?

Matthew 25:14-30 (Parable of the Talents)


     If you have read this passage, I will be taking a look from a different perspective. In this passage, a Master leaves his servants with varying amounts of money. The passage basically describes what the reactions of the servants to this property and trust. 

The first servant: This servant is entrusted with 5 talents when the master leaves. The first servant immediately puts the money in a bank, so that his Master's money can start accruing interest. In the end, the servant brings his master 5 additional talents with the original 5, so increasing his money.

The second servant: The master treats this servant similarly, but gives him just 2 talents. He is responsible with this money as he also doubles his masters money.

The third servant: The last servant was only entrusted with 1 talent. This servant feels so distressed and misguided that he buries his money in the ground, and basically returns his initial investment and that is it.


   What did the third servant do differently? What Jesus said was, are we walking in obedience with the little things in life. If we are not walking in obedience with the little things, how should we be expected to be trusted with the big things in life. The Bible is not say their won't be times of doubt, but that is what prayer is for. Bringing our struggles and concerns to the throne is something that cannot be parallelled.

     In my life, I have seen this faithfulness become reality more recently. I was called to the King's Domain Summer Project for Inner-City kids from Cincinnati, Ohio. I tried to push God off, but then this passage put so much perspective in the situation. How can I expect God to change my life, if I try to push out the opportunities he gives me to change my life. Honestly, I realized that sharing the love and desire to love Jesus is incomparable. For most people, they shove all kinds of little things into the gap in our hearts that only Jesus fills. The feeling of telling people that the emptiness and burden of hopelessness is gone in my life because I love Jesus has so much power behind it!

    So fill my trip will be about sharing with kids, that Jesus Christ gave me a hope and he took all my pain away! Thanks for reading!